

Gente entre gente, que não se pense que se sente o que outro sente, nem que se pressente para além do presente.

1965-05-01 Vitória, Porto

Champagne supernova

Champagne supernova 

Out of the subject

And yet, oddly, pertinent

When revisiting a daughter, 

Such an intimate sentiment, 

A hole you had filling with water, 

Water from the deep blue sea, 

Water from a mountain spring

You can not see, 

Saying welcome to thee.

Better than predictable best, 

Beyond any possible guest. 

May you have the best of futures 

May I, departed or still subtly aloof

One ordinary, unsecured, day, 

Have an opportunity to share one roof

As in a share of what we both dream

As ultimate sinking, under the stream.

As in champagne supernova, 

Sometimes the cover is better

if you don't care about the weather! 

Or walk without lousy greed, 

At your proper paced speed. 


Mais como isto

Quem Gosta

Quem Gosta
