Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire

1821-04-09 Paris, França
1867-08-31 Paris, França

Some Poems

The Carcass

The Carcass
Remember that object we saw, dear soul,
In the sweetness of a summer morn:
At a bend of the path a loathsome carrion
On a bed with pebbles strewn,
With legs raised like a lustful woman,
Burning and sweating poisons,
It spread open, nonchalant and scornful,
Its belly, ripe with exhalations.
The sun shone onto the rotting heap,
As if to bring it to the boil,
And tender a hundredfold to vast Nature
All that together she had joined;
And the sky watched that superb carcass
Like a flower blossom out.
The stench was so strong that on the grass
You thought you would pass out.
Flies hummed upon the putrid belly,
Whence larvae in black battalions spread
And like a heavy liquid flowed
Along the tatters deliquescing.
All together it unfurled, and rose like a wave
And bubbling it sprang forth;
One might have believed that, with a faint breath filled,
The body, multiplying, lived.
And this world gave out a strange music
Like of running water and of wind,
Or of grain in a winnow
Rhythmically shaken and tossed.
Form was erased and all but a vision,
A sketch slow to take shape
On a forgotten canvas, which the artist finishes
From memory alone.
Behind the rocks a fretting bitch
Looked at us with fierce mien
Anxious to retrieve from the corpse
A morsel that she had dropped.
Yet to this rot you shall be like,
To this horrid corruption,
Star of my eyes, sun of desire,
You, my angel and my passion!
Yes, such you shall be, you, queen of all graces,
After the last sacraments,

When you go beneath the grass and waxy flowers,
To mold among the skeletons.
Then, oh my beauty! You must tell the vermin,
As it eats you up with kisses,
That I have preserved the form and essence divine
Of my decayed loves.

Anywhere Out of the World

Anywhere Out of the World
This life is a hospital where every patient is possessed with the desire to change beds;
one man would like to
suffer in front of the stove, and another believes that he would recover his health
beside the window.
It always seems to me that I should feel well in the place where I am not, and this
question of removal is one
which I discuss incessantly with my soul.
'Tell me, my soul, poor chilled soul, what do you think of going to live in Lisbon? It
must be warm there, and there
you would invigorate yourself like a lizard. This city is on the sea-shore; they say that
it is built of marble
and that the people there have such a hatred of vegetation that they uproot all the
trees. There you have a landscape
that corresponds to your taste! a landscape made of light and mineral, and liquid to
reflect them!'
My soul does not reply.
'Since you are so fond of stillness, coupled with the show of movement, would you like
to settle in Holland,
that beatifying country? Perhaps you would find some diversion in that land whose
image you have so often admired
in the art galleries. What do you think of Rotterdam, you who love forests of masts,
and ships moored at the foot of
My soul remains silent.
'Perhaps Batavia attracts you more? There we should find, amongst other things, the
spirit of Europe
married to tropical beauty.'
Not a word. Could my soul be dead?
'Is it then that you have reached such a degree of lethargy that you acquiesce in your
sickness? If so, let us
flee to lands that are analogues of death. I see how it is, poor soul! We shall pack our
trunks for Tornio. Let us go
farther still to the extreme end of the Baltic; or farther still from life, if that is possible;
let us settle at the Pole. There
the sun only grazes the earth obliquely, and the slow alternation of light and darkness
suppresses variety and
increases monotony, that half-nothingness. There we shall be able to take long baths
of darkness, while for our
amusement the aurora borealis shall send us its rose-coloured rays that are like the
reflection of Hell's own
At last my soul explodes, and wisely cries out to me: 'No matter where! No matter
where! As long as it's out
of the world!'
Charles Baudelaire was born in Paris. He made a name as an art critic and translator of Edgar Allan Poe, but his fame rests on the poems of Les Fleurs du Mal. He visited Mauritius in but lived most of his life in Paris in poverty on a small allowance. He is pre-eminently the poet of the City, and an illusory immorality clings to his poetry that reveals, in reality, the sensitivity of a deeply moral spirit.
Charles Baudelaire (Part 1): The Poet's Life
Por que ler: CHARLES BAUDELAIRE - As Flores do Mal
Charles Baudelaire - The Beauty and Horror of Modern Life
Charles Baudelaire - vita e opere
Comment Charles Baudelaire a écrit "Les Fleurs du Mal"
Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du Mal (and Selected Poems) BOOK REVIEW
La minute de poésie : L'albatros [Charles Baudelaire]
Tédio | Poema de Charles Baudelaire com narração de Mundo Dos Poemas
Charles Baudelaire - Los gatos
Charles Baudelaire en 10 choses à savoir - Culture Prime
Charles Baudelaire (Part 2): The Poetics of Evil
Charles Baudelaire - Les fleurs du mal
Baudelaire: Flowers of Evil
Au cœur de l'histoire: Charles Baudelaire (Franck Ferrand)
Charles Baudelaire - O Veneno (As Flores do Mal) - tradução do poema por Luís Delfino
CHARLES BAUDELAIRE Poems: HYMN TO BEAUTY (A Poem by Charles Baudelaire)
CHARLES BAUDELAIRE (1821-1867) – Une vie, une œuvre [2011]
Be Drunk by Charles Baudelaire [with subtitles] read by Arthur L Wood
EMBRIAGUEM-SE – Charles Baudelaire
La minute de poésie : Poèmes Choisis [Charles Baudelaire]
🌸Charles BAUDELAIRE – Italiano
Charles Baudelaire
"The Vampire" by Charles Baudelaire (read by Tom O'Bedlam)
Minibiografia: Charles-Pierre Baudelaire | Super Libris
Charles Baudelaire's "The Flowers of Evil" (Les Fleurs du mal), translated by Aaron Poochigian
Literatura Fundamental 02 - As Flores do Mal - Álvaro Faleiro
Il Simbolismo francese
Embriaguem-se | Charles Baudelaire | Sonoridade Literária
Charles Baudelaire Quotes About Life And Humanity | Life Changing Quotes
El poeta maldito: Charles Baudelaire
EP58 charles baudelaire - květy zla
La última página 22: Charles Baudelaire: poesía, Modernidad y Decadentismo
EMBRIÁGUENSE. Charles Baudelaire.
Les FLEURS du MAL : Introduction à la poésie de Baudelaire
El Spleen de Charles Baudelaire en Charles Chaplin | MÁS LITERATURA
Enivrez-vous, Charles Baudelaire - Animated Poem
🌸Charles BAUDELAIRE – Español
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), le poète "maudit" (2020 - Toute une vie / France Culture)
Pourquoi Baudelaire écrit-il de la poésie ? avec Jérôme Thélot, professeur de littérature.
Thierry Ardisson rencontre Charles Baudelaire | INA Arditube
Les Fleurs du Mal, Charles Baudelaire | Bac français 2023
Charles Baudelaire - "Femmes Damnées / Lanetlenmiş Kadınlar"
"To the Reader" by Charles Baudelaire
Agnès Spiquel - Charles Baudelaire au carrefour du XIXe siècle
Élévation - Charles Baudelaire
"EMBRIÁGUENSE" de Charles Baudelaire por Ricardo Vonte
Be Drunk by Charles Baudelaire - Poetry Reading

See also

hell yeah! its boude-lai-re

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